
As we know all too well, life goes by quickly and I remember my Grandmother telling me that it seems to go by faster as we get older.

I don’t know about you but I want to slow it down, to drink up the days and savor them-to live my life even more intentionally now that I am only a couple years shy of my 60th birthday.

The good news is that statistics are proving that many of us will have a much longer life than our Grandparents and this begs the question:

If you knew that you will live your life for 20 or 30 years or more, what would you like to create in your life?

One of the ways that you can create the life that you want is by creating a lifestyle business.

A lifestyle business is a business that places what is important to you in your life first and foremost so that your business supports your life instead of the other way around.


I have created 2 lifestyle businesses -my home staging business and my coaching practice and they have brought more joy into my life than I could have imagined.

Because of them, I love my work, my time is more flexible, I get to be creative, I have more confidence in myself, I am happier, my family is happier because I am more relaxed, I am healthier physically, emotionally and spiritually because I make sure that I carve out time to go to yoga, eat better and have some “fun time”. I can travel whenever I want. My businesses give my life meaning and are aligned with my values. Most importantly there is a lightness to me that I didn’t feel for most of my working life.

In my humble opinion, now is the greatest time for women to literally create the life she wants in a way that makes her heart sing and here are some reasons why:

  • More women are creating businesses and demographically we have the buying power
  • The internet gives us many options to create our own lifestyle businesses
  • We have learned so many different skills that we can tap into to create whatever it is we want
  • We have learned how to be resourceful and stand up for what is important to us
  • We are a vibrant force to be reckoned with-this generation of women!
  • We are less defined by constrictive social norms than our Mothers and Grandmothers were
  • We have simplified our lives to focus on what is really important
  • We are wiser and better about setting boundaries
  • We have more reverence for time

Sometimes it seems so much simpler to keep going along the same path, stuck in that dead end job or resentful that you aren’t living the life you want.

Perhaps if you think of what price you are paying by staying stuck, you will reevaluate and begin to make big decisions for your future so that you will actually enjoy the life that you are creating instead of hoping that you will start living it in retirement.

If your health is suffering or your relationships or you feel as though you are bartering your precious gift of time on someone else’s dream or If you are having feelings of being stuck or resentful or depressed or angry about your life, it is time to evaluate what is not working and start clarifying what you want instead. These feelings are giving you information that something has to change.

Trust your feelings as if your life depends upon it. It does!

Will you continue to let the tail wag the dog or will you take life by the bootstrap and create it your way?

Here is a paradigm shift that I really would like you to consider.

The currency of time is where the real gold lies and it usurps the currency of money as we get older and realize that our time here is both precious and limited.

So if you are staying at a job because benefits or tenure or supposed financial security -think about how you spend your days and if your days are not filled with joy and abundance you are paying too high of a price.

Here are a couple of posts that I wrote about leaving your job and creating a life you love if you would like to explore this further –Ditch Your Job and Create the Life You Love and Ditch Your Job and Create the Life You Love – Part 2

What if you made a conscious decision today to define what you would like to create so that you can feel passionate and excited about what is to come? What might that look like?

I am totally rooting for YOU,

P.S. If you are not happy in your current job, it is time for you to take a stand for you and how you want to spend every day NOW. You don’t have to just quit today but you can start planning the transition. If you would like to discuss how I can help you with that please email me at