Nancy is a copywriting coach who helps entrepreneurs get clear, get confident, and get really good at writing cracklin’ hot copy that rises above the noise, captivates ideal clients, and brings home some serious bacon.

For the past 13 years, she’s been writing copy for some of the most brilliant, 6- and 7-figure coaches and consultants online today.

But now, through her business Firecracker Communications, she helps her clients get clear on their message, own their unique voice, and have a blast writing copy that shines like a diamond in a sea of cut glass.

When she’s not coaching or writing, she’s singing jazz with her band, Nancy Tierney & The Boys, and trying to develop her chops on the tenor ukulele. A 4th generation California girl, Nancy now lives in New York in a 1930’s house (called Alice) with 2 adorable tabby cats.

In this episode Nancy shares her best tips for creating great copy that magnetizes your ideal clients.

You will learn:

When it is the right time to invest in hiring

What great copywriting is and why you should care.

How understanding great copy helps you “sell” more effectively.

How to create better relationships with your clients through the words you choose (and how to use “their words”).

How great copy inspires your clients to take action on their own behalf.

Ways to use copy to differentiate you and your brand.

The importance of creating an avatar for each segment of your market.

Why being “grammatically correct” can stifle great copy.

How to create an emotional connection through your copy (this is not about being mushy).

Why humor and even sarcasm can be effective in your copy.

Actionable ways to find your authentic voice.

What to do when you have writers block.

What does online dating and great copy have in common?

Connect with Nancy

Get your FREE copy of “12 Tweaks to Quickly Transform Your Message from Dull to Dazzling” – an entrepreneur’s guide to writing copy that captivates, connects, and converts … without being manipulative, salesy, or misleading.



Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire

Xo Marianne

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunesI would really appreciate it. Thanks!

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