In this episode of Home Stagers and Designers on Fire I talk with Heather Cook of the Social Stager about the importance of creating a compelling brand so that you stand out and attract your Ideal Clients.
Episode 111: The Pricing Conundrum for Home Stagers
Are you questioning your pricing because you are losing jobs to lower priced companies?
Do you struggle with whether or not to waste your time previewing a home because you have been burnt before?
If this is you, this podcast episode is just what you need to hear.
Episode 110: Create an Effective Instagram Strategy
In this episode of Home Stagers and Designers on Fire I interview Heather Cook of Social Stager. Heather is a multi-award-winning Home Stager with over a decade of experience in building and running one of the most successful home staging companies in Canada.
Episode 109: Money Stories that Impact Profitability
Danielle is a reformed corporate CFO (chief financial officer) who is on a mission to help rule-breaking female entrepreneurs understand their numbers so they can gain the confidence needed to create sustainable profits.
Episode 108: How Your Subconscious Mind Effects The Results You Get
In my latest podcast episode of Home Stagers and Designers on Fire I talk with David Neagle. David is a speaker, best-selling author, founder of the multimillion-dollar global consulting company Life Is Now, Inc, and host of the Business Daily News ranked podcast – The Successful Mind.
Episode 107: Lessons Learned Making Six Figures in the First Year of Home Staging Business
Prior to launching Genesis, Joke was a licensed Real Estate Broker. Joke’s work ethic was shaped by her early years growing up in Lagos, Nigeria where she was surrounded by inspiration and an expectation of excellence.