Joyful mature woman smiling

It seems that more and more midlife women that I talk with are not happy in their jobs. They have worked hard for many long years, always putting the needs of their family first and this has often prevented them from going out on their own, for fear of being financially vulnerable and worse, letting their children down.

I mean, there was preschool to pay for and often private school after and sports and camps and art lessons and braces and proms and college and internships abroad and weddings and yadayadaya.

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And for women who are either single or divorced, it is often even more difficult because they don’t have a partner to help support them.

So they work in jobs to pay the bills and somewhere along the way they begin to wonder where they lost that fire of their youth…that “I can do and be anything spirit.” And as the years pass, they begin to look at their life and want something more, something just for them. But they are so stuck in their patterns of living and limited way of thinking that they don’t know where to begin. Or they feel as though it is too late.

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But I am here to tell you that there is always a way if you really want something and if you are one of these women, now is the time to start planning for it–not tomorrow or next week or a month from now. The clock is ticking.

You see, sometimes we fail to plan because the mountain of our dreams feels so high and our dream seems so impossible. But if you focus on gaining clarity on what you want and implementing steps to get there, it will happen and you will be so happy that you began the journey. You just have to break free of limiting beliefs that get in the way.

Because as we know all too well, time goes by fast and there is no more time to waste!

So what is it that you have always wanted to do? Begin with that. Envision it, muse about it, feel as though you are in that dream life-BELIEVE!

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Here is an example. You are in a job that you hate but in the back of your mind you have always wanted to pursue your dream of being a make-up artist. You have done complimentary make up sessions for all of your friends and your services are being requested for their children’s weddings, professional photos, glamour shots, etc. You absolutely love doing this work but can’t make the leap from your steady job because you are ready to retire in 2 years and will lose the pension. You also believe that you won’t be able to pay your bills while building your business and all the other things that cause you to not take action.

But what if you could change all that by simply changing your mindset? What if you decided that this dream was really important and you would make a commitment to yourself to go all out and make it happen.

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Start with envisioning what it would be like to work in a business that you love-that you created. What might your day look like? Would you start your day with yoga or plan to go for a walk in the middle of the day? Or maybe there is a hobby that you would like to explore and now you can work your schedule around it. Maybe you could travel more. Would you set up a room in your home that was just the way you wanted it so that your working environment would be pleasant?

What might it feel like to design your business in a way that makes you happy, doing what you love?

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Here are some of the possible benefits:


  • You will be able to take better care of your health.


  • You will be able to spend more time with your children or Grandchildren.


  • You will feel happier and proud of yourself for creating your business and life your way


  • You can choose who you want to work with-your ideal clients.


  • You can build your business as large as you would like-you are the boss!


  • You can make as much money as you want-the sky is the limit.


  • Add your personal benefits to this list.


Now I am not saying that this is easy or even that it is for everyone. This is for those of you who are willing to work hard and create a life you want so badly that it trumps your fears. And we all have fears.

In part 2, coming out the week of the 21st,  I will give you some pointers on how to move forward in spite of your fears and limiting beliefs, so that you can create the life and business that you want.

There are so many ways that you can achieve what you want, but you have to start by believing and building the dream.

If you would like to book a strategy session to determine how I can help you personally achieve your dreams, email me at