In this episode I talk with one of my fabulous coaching clients, Donel Beals. Donel is a designer and home stager on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Join us as we discuss how coaching has impacted Donel’s business and life in very specific ways. Donel hired me 3 years ago when she was re building her design and staging career after devoting the past 14 years to her family. Her previous background included an education in Interior Design, specializing in visual merchandising. Learn how we worked together on mindset and business strategies that has enabled Donel to grow her business in a way that allows her to still put her family first while creating a business that she loves.

In this episode you will learn:

How Donel came to me for coaching for one thing and we also worked on what she didn’t realize that she needed (and how that changed everything)

The mindset strategies that help Donel reach out to Real Estate Agents more effectively

How Donel is creating a business that is more profitable in less amount of time

The “aha” that helped Donel to charge more with confidence

Donel’s thoughts on working with a coach vs. “free stuff” online

What practices Donel does to strengthen her mindset

How Donel worked on being a “people pleaser” and not being able to say “no” so that she is now more productive in her business and still puts her family first

How the mindset skills that we worked on for business growth effected Donel’s life as well


I also mentioned my upcoming Masterclass- Get Agents to Refer You Now. Here is the link to join.  Classes start January 4th, 2021


Connect with Marianne:

Set up a coaching discovery session to see if coaching is right for you.


Join my FB Group- Fire Up Your Home Staging Business

Join Our Facebook Group – Design for Today Collaborative

Visit my FB coaching page-

Join my Linked in Group- Interior Redesign, Decorating and Real Estate Staging Professionals here



Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire

Xo Marianne

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunesI would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire