​In this episode I interview Steven Denny, a partner at Innovative Business Advisors and the coauthor of the book You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

This book details the steps to take in order to build a profitable Home Staging business and one that has a strategic exit plan. As a business Advisor, Steve was hired by Liz Connolly, his coauthor, when she was planning on selling her Home Staging business, In the intro to the book Liz mentions that various components are taken into consideration when assigning a value to a business. It is not just about the numbers or the inventory, there is much more to it. She goes on to say that her business sold for more than twice the valuation provided by her accountant and she attributes that to hiring Steve.

The book walks you through the steps from building a staging business to selling the business.

As with anything it is important to start with the end in mind. As you build your business it is important to put the structures in place so that when you are ready to sell, you can sell for a higher price.

In this episode I talk with Steve about just that.

Listen to the podcast below or subscribe on Apple, Spotify and most major podcast platforms.

In this episode you will learn:

Why it is different selling a Home Staging company

What business advisors look for when deciding on the value of a Home Staging Company

How different phases of your life change the way that you look at success

How our brains sabotage us when we start to lean into our big vision and goals and why it is so important to call out these saboteurs

Why good financial statements are so important

What does “owner freedom” mean and how does it impact that value of your company

The difference between a Buyer who wants a job or wants to own a company

The 8 steps of value Steve looks for when determining what a business is worth

What to do if you want to sell your staging business in 5 years

3 different Buyer personas and which one is the easiest to sell to and finance

Why financing a staging company may be easier than you think

How to track and document your inventory usage in order to put your inventory to work for you

The 8 steps of value Steve looks for when determining what a business is worth

What questions you should be asking your accountant

The 2 most important numbers to look at every day

The best source for lenders for Buyers looking to buy a Staging Business

How SCORE can help you with your business (and it is free)

What banks look for when deciding whether to lend money to a potential Buyer and Steve’s “Bankability Method”

What Steve does as a business advisor for a staging company and how he is compensated.

Xo Marianne


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I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Connect with Steve:

Book a call- https://ceo2ceo.coach/register.html


Private Coaching- https://www.ceo2ceo.coach

Book –https://www.youdontknowwhatyoudontknow.com



Connect with Marianne:

Set up a coaching discovery session to see if coaching is right for you.

Website– https://coachingbymarianne.com

Join my FB Group- Fire Up Your Home Staging Business: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fireupyourhomestagingbusiness/

FB Group-Design for Today Collaborative- https://www.facebook.com/groups/DesignForTodayCollaborative

Visit my FB coaching page- https://www.facebook.com/CoachingByMarianneCherico/

Join my Linked in Group- Interior Redesign, Decorating and Real Estate Staging Professionals here


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