I have always thought that really great coaching was something that only people who made a ton of money could afford to do. But I suppose that was just (in coaching lingo) a story that I told myself. In fact, ironically, I hired my coach when I had hit rock bottom financially when my husband’s salary got cut in half and I was afraid we might lose our home.
In what might seem counter-intuitive, I decided to hire a coach to help me through this murky place and help me believe that I could grow into whatever I chose in my life and that I have everything it takes to do this. And it was not cheap. But it was funny how, in spite of the fact that I was scared to death financially, intuitively I saw it as my only hope. I just knew from my “gut” that it was just what I needed to do and I would have to find a way to do it. And I did!!!
And it was an incredible INVESTMENT!
Here are some of the things that my coach Jeanna (and being a student of Coaches Training Institute) have taught me about myself:
I have learned to think (believe) Bigger than I ever have allowed myself .The reason I exchanged the word “think” for “believe” is that sometimes we get too much in our heads. Thinking from our divine inner guidance is a much healthier way to manifest what you want. It is more intuitive and creative. And it feels better. It allows us to tap into our authentic selves and manifest from our “heart mind”.
I have learned that we all have sabateurs that prevent us from doing what we really want. Learning to recognize them is so important. This helps us to see them for what they are and move through our fears to create something bigger.
I have learned that if I am going to be a great coach, I have to “walk my talk” and stretch my boundaries of what is possible and that is sooo exciting for me.
Coaching helps you define what you really want in your life and a great coach holds your vision for you when you sometimes get off track and can’t see it for yourself. This has been a game changer for me.
Jeanna helped me to believe that anything is possible. She worked a lot on my mindset, thinking bigger and taking action. She has been my mentor, cheerleader, rock and inspiration.
As a result I DOUBLED my income in my Home Staging Business and began a coaching practice of my own (all in less than a year). My dream is to help women do the same in their lives!
One of the “Big” things that I am working on with Jeanna’s support is a program called:
Fabulous, Fearless and Fully Alive
-for Women Who Want a Smokin’ Hot Second Half.
This 12 week webinar series will be centered on helping the Baby Boomer Woman create the next phase of her life in a way that is purposeful, meaningful and filled with joy. I will be doing a “Big Girl Launch” in September so stay tuned……
My new purpose in life is to ignite, inspire and coach the 50+ Woman to live authentically and on purpose…..to create a life that is filled with meaning and joy and to do it on HER TERMS!!!