In this episode I discuss racism and how it effects our staging sisters in life and in business.

I have seen subtle ways that people show racism and “not so subtle ways”. And I have listened to many people say things that are blatantly racist and then vehemently deny that they are racists. Racism has been woven into our society for hundreds of years.

This episode is about listening to 2 courageous women in the staging world whom I deeply respect as they reveal what the world looks like through their eyes- so that we can better understand- so that we can be better allies.

Please keep an open heart. This is not about you. This is about them- and it is about us walking beside them-our staging sisters. I ask that you try and understand their perspective-educate yourself. Ask yourself, how can I do better? How can I be better?

And most of all, keep an open heart! Love them up and let them know that you do care about them!

In this episode you will learn:

What term is preferable… African American, woman of color?

Ways that racism hurts our staging sisters.

Why it is so difficult for black women to speak out

What is different for a black female business owner

What it was like growing up in Mississippi in 1965 as a young black girl and how it has impacted Deborah

What redlining is and how it impacts neighborhoods and opportunities for diversity

How Deborah works really hard on her mindset to not let racism bring her down

What it feels like to be profiled in your own neighborhood while with your daughter

Ways our justice system has failed the black community

Why it is so important to see things through other’s eyes

Why Tamara is hopeful for the future

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire

Xo Marianne

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunesI would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire 

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