The most effective way to fill your calendar with consistent staging business is by Real Estate Agent referrals and I will show you how in my program:

Get Real Estate Agents to Refer You Now!


If you are still struggling with getting Real Estate Agents to refer you, it is time to start being strategic about how to get their attention and deliver up what they really want (hint- they want more listings).


It is all about how you position your services so that they see why working with you is going to help them achieve their goals.

I know firsthand how to work with Real Estate Agents because I was in the business for 27 years. This intel has allowed me to help countless Home Stagers grow their business. I teach Home Stagers how to enlist Real Estate Agents who will refer them over and over again. In fact, that is how I built my own staging business. And the really cool thing is that agents consistently refer me for all kinds of staging and design jobs. In fact, they are my main source of business!

In order to win them over, you must get in front of them, both online and off, and confidently articulate your value. You want to let them know why they should want to work with you and only you. What is in it for them? Why you?

This is both inner and outer game strategy.

The inner game has to do with how you feel about you, your services and the real value you bring to the table.

The outer game has to do with your marketing strategies, how you position yourself to stand out and how you “sell” your services without being salesy or pushy.

In this 6 Session Group Coaching Masterclass:


You will learn my 7 step plan on How to Enlist Real Estate Agents to become your word of mouth marketing posse


You will learn how to position yourself as a thought leader so that Real Estate Agents will be drawn to you like bees to honey


You will get my eyes on your business


You will fine tune your mindset so that you feel empowered and excited to connect with Real Estate Agents


You will learn how to approach agents, what to say and how to handle objections


You will learn how to set yourself apart from the competition


You will have an opportunity to get some “hot seat coaching” so that you can practice your approach to calling or meeting with the agent


You will create an action plan to get in front of more agents


You will learn marketing tips that will help you stand out from the rest


You will create a system for staying top of mind to your current and potential RE Agent clients


You will be invited to participate in a private Facebook Group so that you can engage and ask any questions between sessions

Hear from the words of my

Happy clients and colleagues:

In just a short time I was on my way to doubling my earnings

Marianne’s coaching was nothing short of motivating, encouraging and enlightening.

She had great ideas for taking my business to the next level

Marianne gave me the confidence I needed to approach people I wouldn’t have and most of all she made me believe in myself

Marianne gives 150% in each coaching session

If you are looking for a coach who will tell you the tough truth while being your personal cheerleader, you will find what you need in Marianne

I always say to her “I feel like I can rule the world after I talk with you”……Her response is ALWAYS – “You can!!!”

By far the #1 investment I have made in my career and in my personal life was to hire Marianne!!!


Choose the best option for you

Normally I charge $299 for one 1 on 1 coaching session but you will get this 6 session group program led by me for only $597 total.

Yup only $597 total to join a group of others who want to be the “go to” stagers in their area by enlisting Real Estate Agents to help them build their business.

And that is not all, if you sign up by November 18th, you will also get a 1 on 1 hour session with me- just you and me focusing on YOU!

3 Monthly Payments


One Time Payment

$597 Payment

Join me for this, impactful, motivating, laser focused 6 session Masterclass and let’s start creating a tribe of loyal Real Estate Agent fans who will refer you over and over again!

Now that’s what I am talkin’ about

About Marianne

Marianne Cherico is a trained personal and professional development coach. She has also owned and operated a successful Home Staging Business since 2005. Her background includes 27 years in Real Estate.

Marianne has coached many home stagers throughout the country on how to up level their business by developing both mindset skills and savvy business strategies. Helping these home stagers own their magnificence and create a life and business that sets their soul on fire is Marianne’s sweet spot! 

Marianne’s Podcast Home Stagers and Designers on Fire is a great way to learn business and mindset strategies for those of you wanting to grow your Home Staging business

A cofounder of the Design for Today Collaborative and Real Women Real Business, Marianne and her colleagues hold live events and retreats in Boston and New Hampshire and Florida on how to build your design or staging business.

A featured speaker on both a National and local level, Marianne is also a co author of the Amazon best seller- Marketing for the Home Staging and Design Industry.

If you are looking for a coach who will help you grow your business, Marianne is your gal!