In this episode I talk with Karen Yankovich about how home stagers and designers can leverage Linked In to build their business. The CEO of Uplevel Media, Karen is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Expert and Consultant who is a genius at helping businesses use LinkedIn profitably. She also hosts the podcast “Good Girls Get Rich”. A popular trainer and international speaker, Karen’s social media advice and expertise can be found in guest contributions to Social Media Examiner, Huffington Post, Costco Connection and Career Talk Radio on Sirius XM Radio.

In this episode you will learn:

How Home Stagers and Designers can use LI to build relationships and their business

Why your Profile Page is so important and how to optimize it so that your prospects find YOU

How to write your About Page so that your ideal clients feel as though you are speaking directly to them

Why the Headline is important and what to put into your headline to hook your ideal clients

Which warm leads to target so that you build your sphere of influence strategically

How NOT to approach someone on LI and what to do instead

How to get found organically by using the right keywords

Why you shouldn’t use LI as your resume but instead focus on your personal brand and how you help your ideal clients

What the “get to know you” phone call should consist of

How to research how your being found on LI so that you can make sure your ideal clients are finding you

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire

Xo Marianne

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunesI would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire 

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