In this episode I would like to talk with you about how to be mentally tough in times of change. As entrepreneurs we often have to navigate change in order to continue to grow. We can’t always control the circumstances that we find ourselves in- like the economy, personal challenges, the Real Estate Market, a pandemic, etc. However, we certainly can handle our response and our resolve to figure out how to best come through it stronger than ever before. So I invite you to come on this journey, through the land of hope and possibilities so that you, too will navigate change in a way that empowers you!

In this episode you will learn:

How to thrive in challenging times

What empowering questions you must ask yourself now

Why “inspired action” is the best kind of action

How resisting your emotions leads to sabotage

How a “leader mindset” empowers you to grow

How to throw a “pity party” the right way

Why change is great for inner growth

What to tell the “doom and gloom” voice in your head

How I am doing staging consults easily, remotely and effectively

What you need to do for yourself now

Innovative ways to build better relationships with your clients through these tough times

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire

Xo Marianne

P.S. I would love your review! If you enjoy what I share in this episode, please leave a review and comment on iTunes. I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

Don’t miss this insightful show. Head over to iTunes and subscribe to Home Stagers and Designers on Fire 

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